Red Letterman Sports Jacket Men's 1950's Costume Embroidered Jacket Appliqued Jacket Beaded Jacket


Picture this; you've just asked Nancy on a date to the milk bar where you plan to ask her to go steady with you. Oh, boy! She agrees to be your sweetheart! Gee, well that's just simply swell? 

Head back to the Vintage era, when it was all about polka dots, full skirts, neck scarves, high pony tails and dancing to the new sound of rock and roll. You are back in the 1950's where fashion and fun went hand in hand. Dress to impress at your next themed decades party, Grease party or rock 'n' roll dance party.


  • Red polyester button up jacket with attached shirt and printed R plus attached pockets
  • White shirt is attached to the jacket and features a sewn on red and white polka dot bow tie
  • Shoes, pants and glasses not included
